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A NYC Multi-Family Owner’s Guide to Sustainability – Newsletter 05.05.2024
Dear Friends and Valued Clients,
We are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic’s impact on the NYC real estate industry. Our business office is closed but operates remotely should you have any needs. While the world has reached a near standstill, local laws still have due dates in the near future, and we are here to help you.
- LL84/LL133 – due May 1, 2020 (this applies to buildings greater than 25,000 sq ft)
- LL87 – due December 31, 2020, for buildings greater than 25,000 sq ft and have a tax block ending in 0.
Government Incentives
While these local laws are steadfast, financial incentives exist to decrease your costs. There are meaningful incentives and opportunities for operators who can navigate the regulatory world. Partner with us to deliver your low-cost strategies to comply and retrofit your buildings. To learn more about our Energy Division, please click here.
What’s Out There for Me?
This is relevant for Owners / Managers / Office Tenants.
STRATCO has the following low or no-cost programs available for you:
- Do you lease or own office space? If so, email us here for more information. We can have a government-funded energy audit and design guidelines created for your space or building. This is your first-step tool for converting your conventional office space to a green office space.
- Do you own or manage a building above 25,000 total square feet and do not know how to navigate the sustainability’s local laws that apply to you? If so, email us here to get more information. We can create a diligence package and strategy for you to comply with your requirements. Learn how to implement the best clean energy and/or energy efficiency technologies. We will have a third-party agency pay half of the cost on your behalf.
- Do you need your building’s annual energy and water consumption data benchmarked by May 1st? If so, email us here to get more information. Engage our office to provide you with low-cost and in-depth service by providing accurate, transparent, and detailed consumption data to the city as outlined in the law. Obtain your Energy Star score and letter grade with us. We thank you for your continued trust and support. Be safe, vigilant, informed, and, most importantly, stay healthy. Should you want to learn more or have specific questions, you may contact us at:

Robert Sedaghatpour is the founder and managing partner at STRATCO. He has assembled a multidisciplinary team of professionals with diverse skills and unwavering commitment to the highest levels of ethics and business conduct. Data scientists, engineers, architects, attorneys, and human-centric designers collaborate seamlessly to develop innovative systems and value propositions that effectively bring incentive programs to the real estate community.