Post Your Building Energy Efficiency Rating Label By October 31st To Avoid Potential Fines

The Department of Buildings (DOB) is now issuing violations to owners of buildings over 25,000 SF who failed to disclose/post their Building Energy Efficiency Rating (BEER) letter grade (A, B, C, D, and F) label to the public at the building’s public entrance as required by Local Law 33 of 2018. The Department randomly audits the covered buildings, and not posting your annual energy grade may result in a $1,250 fine.

Steps for compliance:

  1. The letter grade labels are available on the NYC Department of Buildings website every October 1st.
  2. Download, print, and display the label near internal and external locations near each public entrances so it is visible to the public by October 31st.
  3. Replace the label every year with the latest issued version.
  4. Feel free to contact us if you missed your benchmarking deadline and want to learn how to comply with your property Local Laws 84/133 energy benchmarking and disclosure.

Energy Star energy efficiency scores will be assigned as follows:

  • A= greater than or equal to 85
  • B= greater than or equal to 70, less than 85
  • C= greater than or equal to 55, less than 70
  • D= less than 55
  • F= did not submit benchmarking information
  • N= exempted from benchmarking

What to do next
If you are interested to obtain a quote from us to file annual benchmarking on your behalf, please contact Ariel Sosa at

Should you want to learn more or have specific questions about our energy & sustainability services you may contact us at the below.

Thank you,

Robert Sedaghatpour