New York has set goals to reduce carbon emissions by 40% before 2030, on the way to zero emissions in 2050. Major utility providers have joined state and local governments to provide financial incentives, encouraging building owners to upgrade and retrofit properties with energy-efficient strategies.

STRATCO’s Clean Energy Market Place Niche pictures the problems and solutions.

Robert Sedaghatpour is the founder and managing partner at STRATCO. He has assembled a multidisciplinary team of professionals with diverse skills and unwavering commitment to the highest levels of ethics and business conduct. Data scientists, engineers, architects, attorneys, and human-centric designers collaborate seamlessly to develop innovative systems and value propositions that effectively bring incentive programs to the real estate community.


  • Building Energy Benchmarking 101

  • NYC Rent Regulation Laws David Greenfield, David Goldfischer, & Robert Sedaghatpour