Photo courtesy of EE Stakeholder Meeting 2024-09-19.PDF

Let STRATCO enhance your capital stack with incentives available for new construction buildings. Partner with STRATCO, the premier advisory firm for obtaining energy efficiency incentives on real estate projects.

New Jersey has acted to reduce its carbon footprint by 50% by 2030, including emissions from existing buildings and new construction. Various government resources and utility programs offer attractive financial incentives, awards, and rebates. STRATCO Property Solutions helps building owners, planners, and developers find an effective way through New Jersey’s ambitious agenda.

In support of New Jersey’s clean energy goals, the state’s investor-owned electric and gas utilities offer energy efficiency programs directly to their customers helping everyone reduce their carbon footprint. New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program has three pathways to achieving energy savings on new construction projects, boosting energy efficiency and environmental performance. All new construction buildings or eligible major renovation projects can obtain these incentives.

  1. Bundled Pathway: Requires a bundle of common above-code energy conservation measures (ECMs), such as efficient electric equipment, building envelope, and insulation improvements.
  2. Streamlined Pathway: Encourages deeper energy savings than the Bundled Pathway but with less time and cost. It includes basic modeling through a simple web-based interface to generate projected savings.
  3. High-Performance Pathway: Focuses on the deepest energy savings with a whole-building approach. Applicants must exceed code requirements or meet stringent technical standards, replacing the Legacy RNC and P4P NC Programs.

STRATCO is a third-party specialist that navigates New York State and New Jersey energy incentive programs. STRATCO specializes in creating unique business plans for its clients to solve underserved needs in the marketplace. STRATCO serves the entire value chain with in-depth services to obtain the government incentives available for projects. To learn more about how the new incentives may impact on your development. Contact or call 516-835-3015 to start your journey toward energy-efficient, net-zero buildings today whilst gaining valuable incentives.

Robert Sedaghatpour is the founder and managing partner at STRATCO. He has assembled a multidisciplinary team of professionals with diverse skills and unwavering commitment to the highest levels of ethics and business conduct. Data scientists, engineers, architects, attorneys, and human-centric designers collaborate seamlessly to develop innovative systems and value propositions that effectively bring incentive programs to the real estate community.


  • New Construction Energy Efficiency Incentive Program New Jersey

  • Executive Order 100: New Jersey’s Commitment to Climate Action