NYSERDA's Commercial Tenant Program
Office Broker's To Receive $5,000

What Is The Commercial Tenant Program "CTP"?
The Commercial Tenant Program helps create actionable plans to reduce energy consumption over the life of a lease. The program covers up to 100% of the eligible consultant’s technical assistance fees.

Commercial Broker Referral Program (LIMITED TIME OFFER):
Get ahead of the curve! Brokers are invited to refer customers to the Commercial Tenant Program and receive $5,000 for every customer/tenant that submits a successful application to the program. Contact us here if you want to participate before the deadline.

CTP's Purpose, Priorities, And Benefits For Brokers:

  • Studies can be performed at each stage of leasing cycle
  • Apply to tenants and landlords
  • Integrating energy efficiency in office space design
  • Providing options to maximize wellness, space usage, and productivity
  • Providing relevant technical support to help tenants make well-informed design choices
  • Promoting employee satisfaction and engagement
  • Sales tool to win more clients
  • Differentiate from competitors
  • Forefront of corporate social responsibility trend
  • Opportunities for recognition

How Tenants & Landlords Benefit:
Tenant Benefits

  • Initial report provided is at no cost to tenant
  • Saving money on energy bills
  • Increased employee productivity
  • Improved talent attraction & retention
  • Fulfilling corporate sustainability goals
  • Opportunities for recognition

Landlord Benefits

  • Saving energy and money
  • Improved benchmarking scores
  • GHG emissions reductions
  • Gain a competitive leasing edge
  • Develop positive tenant relationships
  • Compliance with Local Law 97
  • Opportunities for recognition
  • Improved building valuation

What STRATCO Can Do:

  1. Process the CTP application on your behalf
  2. Design new buildouts for renovations to improve energy efficiency
  3. Develop tenant design guidelines and standards across a portfolio of sites
  4. Develop a building energy master plan
  5. Create plans and recommendations for proactive maintenance and operations to reduce energy consumption
  6. Calculate projected energy and cost savings of energy efficiency measures
  7. Engage tenants in green leasing and energy efficiency discussions
  8. Identify financing and incentive options and provide technical support

Should you want to learn more about how you can earn a $5,000 commission. You may contact us at the below:

Robert Sedaghatpour