NYSERDA's Commercial Tenant Program
Office Broker's To Receive $5,000
What Is The Commercial Tenant Program "CTP"?
The Commercial Tenant Program helps create actionable plans to reduce energy consumption over the life of a lease. The program covers up to 100% of the eligible consultant’s technical assistance fees.
Commercial Broker Referral Program (LIMITED TIME OFFER):
Get ahead of the curve! Brokers are invited to refer customers to the Commercial Tenant Program and receive $5,000 for every customer/tenant that submits a successful application to the program. Contact us here if you want to participate before the deadline.
CTP's Purpose, Priorities, And Benefits For Brokers:
- Studies can be performed at each stage of leasing cycle
- Apply to tenants and landlords
- Integrating energy efficiency in office space design
- Providing options to maximize wellness, space usage, and productivity
- Providing relevant technical support to help tenants make well-informed design choices
- Promoting employee satisfaction and engagement
- Sales tool to win more clients
- Differentiate from competitors
- Forefront of corporate social responsibility trend
- Opportunities for recognition
How Tenants & Landlords Benefit:
Tenant Benefits
- Initial report provided is at no cost to tenant
- Saving money on energy bills
- Increased employee productivity
- Improved talent attraction & retention
- Fulfilling corporate sustainability goals
- Opportunities for recognition
Landlord Benefits
- Saving energy and money
- Improved benchmarking scores
- GHG emissions reductions
- Gain a competitive leasing edge
- Develop positive tenant relationships
- Compliance with Local Law 97
- Opportunities for recognition
- Improved building valuation
What STRATCO Can Do:
- Process the CTP application on your behalf
- Design new buildouts for renovations to improve energy efficiency
- Develop tenant design guidelines and standards across a portfolio of sites
- Develop a building energy master plan
- Create plans and recommendations for proactive maintenance and operations to reduce energy consumption
- Calculate projected energy and cost savings of energy efficiency measures
- Engage tenants in green leasing and energy efficiency discussions
- Identify financing and incentive options and provide technical support
Should you want to learn more about how you can earn a $5,000 commission. You may contact us at the below:
Robert Sedaghatpour