March 2021 Update
Install EV Charging Stations & Advance Your Marketplace Advantage

New York State is striving to be ready to accommodate 1 million plug-in electric vehicles by 2025 through Charge NY. Join STRATCO in maximizing government incentives to create a competitive advantage for your assets. If your property meets select criteria we can install and operate an EV charging stations at no cost to you.

  • Geographic focus: 5 Boroughs & Westchester
  • Use type: Any property with public parking
  • Out-of-pocket cost: $0
  • Items to provide: Most recent Con Edison bill, a signed Coned Letter of Authorization, site plan, one site visit performed by our engineering team.

Benefits of Implementing Charging Stations

  • Electric vehicles are on the rise due to decreasing prices and better EV models. Since most of the charging is done at home, installing charging stations can help attract tenants and retain current ones that switch to electric vehicles.
  • Current financial rebates incentives and tax credits reduce the costs of charging station projects.
  • You are allowed to charge people for using the station, but some station owners may choose to provide free charging as a benefit or enticement.
  • Installing charging stations show social responsibility and environmental commitment, increases property value, and thus buildings become more attractive and marketable to potential buyers.
  • For businesses, customers tend to stay and browse longer if charging benefits are provided in the parking lot.
  • Offering convenience for clients with EVs will distinguish the property from others and provide a competitive advantage as the EV market expands.

STRATCO has an in-depth understanding of the NYS Clean Energy Plan and an ability to execute highly complex strategies on real estate assets. Such skill and knowledge are proven to create a sustained marketplace advantage for its clients.

Please contact us below if you want to have STRATCO explore EV charging station solution for your asset on your behalf or if you are interested in any of our energy-related services.

Thank you,

Robert Sedaghatpour