Are You Proud Of Your Building Energy Efficiency Letter Grade & Score?

What is the Building Energy Efficiency Rating Grade Label?
The building efficiency rating label derives from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Energy Star Portfolio Manager energy efficiency score and is compared with peer similar buildings energy performance in similar climates. As per Local Law 95 of 2019 grades based on Energy Star energy efficiency scores will be assigned as follows:

  • A – score is equal to or greater than 85;
  • B – score is equal to or greater than 70 but less than 85;
  • C – score is equal to or greater than 55 but less than 70;
  • D – score is less than 55;
  • F – for buildings that didn’t submit required benchmarking information;
  • N – for buildings exempted from benchmarking or not covered by the Energy Star program.

NYC Building owners of buildings greater than 25,000 square feet must post their energy rating by October 31, 2020 to comply with LL95.

How is it calculated?

  • The Energy Star score's algorithm estimates energy used by the best performing building, the worst performing building or the buildings in between.
  • It is based on the information you entered about your building such as its size, location, number of occupants, energy consumption sources, numbers of PCs, etc.
  • Then the building is ranked relative to buildings of similar type and the actual energy data is compared with the estimate.
  • The underlying calculations for the energy score are based on source energy i.e. total amount of raw fuel required to operate the building. The calculations also account for the impact variations in weather and changes in key property use details.

What to do if you are not satisfied with your score and letter grade?
STRATCO Property Solutions will assist you in the following:

  1. Understanding how your score was calculated.
  2. How to improve your score.
  3. How to decrease your potential fines.
  4. How to fund the cost of the study and the work with government incentives.
  5. How to obtain 100% financing to fund the balance of the costs.
  6. How to make your building a best in class energy user.

Should you want to learn more, you may contact us at the below:

Robert Sedaghatpour