Clean Heat Program Funding Advocacy to Decarbonize and Electrify NYC Buildings

Dear Clients,

On Monday May 9, Con Edison Clean Heat Program administrators notified the participating contractors and industry that the air-source heat pump funding was exhausted until further notice on the Con Edison service territory. In our outreach interest to industry leaders seeking to continue to comply with our state and city clean energy goals, we ask for your help to advocate and highlight this issue to NYS Public Service Commission, who oversees this funding for Con Edison.

Please send an email to, no later than May 16, 2022, to highlight the importance of funding the Clean Heat Program. You may also sign our petition, and it can be featured as an aggregate market recommendation request to the Commission.

Here is our suggestion to include in your email to the NYS Public Service Commission:

1) The Clean Heat Program incentives play a significant role on the building owners decision to decarbonize, electrify to comply with Local Law 97.

According to the Petition of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. to Support Clean Heat Market Growth Through Transfer of Unspent and Previously Authorized Funding, 98% of the Clean Heat projects were in the residential sector, which is for building for 4-dwelling units or less. Small residential buildings are not covered by Local Law 97.
The funding should be focused and re-allocated to decarbonize large buildings, such as multifamily, small-medium business (part of mixed-use buildings), and large commercial & industrial buildings. NYC buildings larger than 25,000 square feet have a larger carbon footprint and are subject to NYC Local Law 97 penalties.

2) Funding New York City Clean Heat program is a socioeconomic investment where all the stakeholders and community members benefit.

Since the program inception in 2020, the latest tremendous response from the market and the Con Edison continued support to the New Yorkers moving away from the fossil-fueled heating has brought health benefits to occupants while ensuring equitable environmental and social justice on neglected buildings retrofits. The clean heating and cooling funding also reduce the investors and developers high cost of new affordable housing construction which may be limited by natural gas service line bans, new construction codes, and territory moratorium.

Thank you so much for your support. Our priority would be to maintain the incentives for existing buildings and affordable housing as this this is especially important for our existing infrastructure to have resources to help decarbonize. This small action means a lot for the future of NYC’s goal to electrify and reduce NYC’s emission by 80% by 2050.


STRATCO Property Solutions Team