The End Of The Gas Era Is Approaching In NYS Earn 30% of your cost in rebates for gas measures Multifamily Buildings Only

Big savings for high-efficiency boiler projects may be approaching its sunset period as the NYC energy industry/ building sector pushes for electrification of heating. STRATCO is a utility rebate aggregator for NYC and is seeking boiler replacement/upgrade jobs to apply for rebates for NYC. Take advantage of incentives that cover up to 30% of the cost to [...]

By |2024-05-28T19:59:51+00:00May 24th, 2022|Newsletters|0 Comments

PSEG Long Island Rebates for Development Projects

STRATCO is Long Island's premier performance based advisory firm for obtaining government rebates. We specialize specifically on real estate and are able to value engineer your capital stack with government funding. A few of the program opportunities are below: Product Rebates: Earn up to 25% of the job cost in rebates: All LED Lighting projects [...]

By |2024-05-28T20:00:52+00:00May 11th, 2022|Newsletters|0 Comments

Accelerating the Decarbonization of Buildings: The Net-Zero Carbon Cities Building Value Framework – World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum has recently come out with reports and studies that show that 40% of the world's carbon emissions come directly from buildings, where three-fourths of this massive figure is contributed by the use of fossil fuels for heating, cooling, lighting, and IT servers. Presently, the WEF sees that less than 1% of [...]

By |2024-05-28T20:01:11+00:00May 1st, 2022|Newsletters|0 Comments
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